The Inspiration Challenge this week was to look at some packaging on the following website and get inspiration to make a card. Here are my cards and the packaging that I chose as my inspiration. I find it much easier to design cards when I have an inspiration or a sketch. . . rather than no direction.
The green card was suppose to be Tic Tack Toe. But, I didn't like it. So I changed it to make it Air, Water, Land -- Can you tell I do preschool curriuculum?
Can you tell I love my CuttleBug Embossing Folders. Now, Sizzix has come out with some pretty ones as has Spellbinders. Before the weekend is over, I will have new ones ordered.
My favorite is the Live, Love, Laugh card. I think it is the simplicity of the card that also sends such a great message with just a few words.