Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Clean and Simple

Finally -- I GOT IT.

One of the ways to make cards is Clean and Simple. (CAS) Every Monday there is a challenge on for clean and simple cards. It is defined anyway you want it to be. But the original Clean and Simple was just that.

On SplitCoastStampers people all over the world look at your work. I judge my work by seeing how many people opened it up to look at it, comment, and add to their favorites list.

This is truly a CLEAN AND SIMPLE card. We were to look through and find an inspiration. There are thousands of art pieces to "look through". . .

I thought about doing a deer, wolf, etc. But then I ran across "Curiousity" by . . . -- YES -- now THAT is clean and simple. Here is my "Clean and Simple" . . . and the inspiration piece.

So what you say? Well, within an day of posted, over 500 people had looked at my card -- unheard of For ME!

So what is the saying -- Less is More!

Here is less.

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